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02 05 08

Parameterized Constructor and class diagram with example program code

Parameterized Constructor:
 Here blog gives you info about Parameterized Constructor and class diagram and also we will give beautiful example program to understand Parameterized Constructor easily

what is Parameterized Constructor ? 
  • This constructor is used to pass the required values to the data fields of a class.
  • So that separate data can be stored for each object of the class is created.
  • A class can contain multiple Parameterized constructors but from one constructor to another constructor we should make the differentiate with the number of parameters.
  • That means if the first constructor is having one parameter than second constructor should have two parameters (or) three parameters and so on.
  • Example with Parameterized Constructor.
Class diagram:     
Int Empid
String Ename
String Eadderse
Int Age
Public Emplyee3(Int id,String s1,String s2,Int Age)
Public void DisplayEmpData()

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace CAConstructors
    class employee3
        int Empid, Eage;
        string Ename, Edesignation;

        public employee3(int id,string s1,string s2,int age)
            this.Empid = id;
            this.Ename = s1;
            this.Edesignation = s2;
            this.Eage = age;
        public void DisplayEmpdata()
            Console.WriteLine("Employee id is :-" + Empid);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Name is :-" + Ename);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Designation is :-" + Edesignation);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee age is :-" + Eage);

    class Pconstructor
        static void Main(string[] args)
            employee3 obj1 = new employee3(101,"srikanth","programer",26);
            employee3 obj2 = new employee3(102,"sai","TL",29);


A class can contain multiple parameterized constructor but from one constructor to another constructor we should differentiate with in the parameter.
  •  In the above example if we want to create an object to empoyee3 class like 
employee3 obj1=new employee3();

  • then it is not possible and raises compilation error.And like employee3 does not contain a constructor that takes zero arguments.
  • To overcome this we should write a constructor in the class with number of arguments like below
public emloyee3()
           this.Empid = 102;
            this.Ename = "sai";
            this.Edesignation = "TL";
            this.Eage = 26;

It is also not possible to create an object like below

employee3 obj2=new employee3(104,"sri");

  • This will rise a compilation error like:-employee3 does not contain a constructor that takes 2 arguments.
  • To overcome this we should write a constructor with two arguments like
public empoyee3(int id,string s1)
After writing these two constructors in the class,the class will be like

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace CAConstructors
    class employee3
        int Empid, Eage;
        string Ename, EAddress;
        public employee3()
            this.Empid = 110;
            this.Ename = "sri";
            this.EAddress = "Hyderabad";
            this.Eage = 26;

        public employee3(int id,string s1)
            this.Empid = id;
            this.Ename = s1;

        public employee3(int id,string s1,string s2,int age)
            this.Empid = id;
            this.Ename = s1;
            this.EAddress = s2;
            this.Eage = age;
        public void DisplayEmpdata()
            Console.WriteLine("Employee id is :-" + Empid);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Name is :-" + Ename);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Address is :-" + EAddress);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee age is :-" + Eage);

    class Pconstructor
        static void Main(string[] args)
            employee3 obj1 = new employee3();
            employee3 obj2 = new employee3(102,"sai");
            employee3 obj3 = new employee3(103, "srikanth","Hyderabad",28);


  • From this we can say that a class can contain any number of constructors.
  • A constructor can be overloaded.

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