, pub-5796814184912345, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dot Net Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers , Dot net examples , codes , Dot Net programs
02 05 08

Introducing Of . NET framework 4.0 , Dot NET framework 3.5 of Microsoft

Introducing Of . NET framework 4.0 , Dot NET framework 3.5 of Microsoft : In Dot NET one of the best part is Framework . in Dot net Microsoft now max people use framework 3.5 , framework 4.0 version . here we give brief description about .net framework architecture with diagram  . NET framework structure . MS .NET (dot-net) is the name Given by Microsoft For general vision of the future of easy computing web world and , the view being of a world in which many applications run in a distributed manner across the Internet. We can identify a number of different motivations driving this vision.

Diagram of Introducing Of . NET framework 4.0 , Dot NET framework 3.5 of Microsoft
. NET framework 4.0 , Dot NET framework 3.5 of Microsoft

First of all shared data cr rather as hars -oriented programming, in Marietta is to encourage specialized code for the owner to be assembled in one place , rather than copied redundantly and in a lot of places. There are dwerg the potential effectiveness of Profit om be Done in moving into design .

Second, the collection of specialized code in one place , and the opening ylos generally available in the interface you zijn , the different types and equipment ( phones, tablet PCs , workstations, etc. ) All can be supported by the same code. That's why Microsoft's " run - anywhere " dream .

Thirdly, the monitoring of real time access to the owner and shared some of the nodes ( especially niet for authentication) companies as Microsoft Tolkki add easily manage the functioning of the applications. Is moving further into the area of applications " Services provided rather than " objects owned.

The interesting thing is , the light . NET Video , Microsoft seems to have given up some of its own tendencies ( in which case all touched by technology was bent towards Windows - the operating system ) . As is see it in the future to provide software services distributed applications . NET is not written so that applications on other platforms will be PORTION om access these services . for example,

. NET is not built on open technologies such as SOAP and XML  . This includes the common language runtime . NET Framework classes , and higher- level features such as ASP.NET ( and the next generation of Active Server Pages technology) , and Win Forms ( for developing desktop - applications).

The Common Language Run time (CLR ) manages the execution of code compiled for . NET platform . CLR is two interesting features. First of all, the definition of credits have been opened up so that the Is Tolkki be transported of non - Windows platforms. Second, the number of first All languages can be used to manipulate you . NET classes , and the CLR will support them.

Not all supported languages to fit neatly in full . NET , however, (in some cases agreed op had some Procrustes ) . But one of the language that is guaranteed to fit perfectly cr C # . This new language , the successor to C + +, we have published together. NET framework, and is likely to be the language of choice for many developers are working on . NET applications.

09 10 02 05 08

Asp dot net , vb dot net , C# Dot Net interview questions with answers for freshers In pdf

 Asp dot net , vb dot net , C#  Dot Net interview questions with answers for freshers In pdf | |: In this section we give Interview question with answers of  Asp dot net , vb dot net , C#  Dot Net . so candidates who prepare for  Asp dot net , vb dot net , C#  Dot Net is very useful to this  Dot Net interview questions . so all candidates follow our blog we will give more  Asp dot net , vb dot net , C#  Dot Net interview questions . here the  interview questions based on basic question so it is only for freshers dot net developer For experienced Dot Net interview questions check here 

 Explain how a web application works.
A web application is in the server and responds to requests Clientis internet. The client
to open with the aid of the computer of the browser, the web page. When a client makes a request, receives the
the result in the form of HTML that are interpreted and displayed by the browser.
A web application on the server is running under the guidance of Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS). IIS passes the request received from the customer on request. The
application gives the desired form of HTML IIS, a result which in turn sends the results
the customer.

 Explain the different parts that constitute ASP.NET application.
Content, logic program and the configuration file is an ASP.NET application.
Content Files
Content files are static text, images and basic can.
program logic
logical program files exist in the form of a DLL file on the server that responds to user actions.
The configuration file
The configuration file provides several settings that determine how the application runs on the server.

  Describe the action sequence takes place on the server where the ASP.NET application
start first time?

Here are some clips:
IIS worker process starts >> assembly load the ASP.NET worker process in IIS sends the memory >>
asking the Assembly >> all composed a reply using the logic program >> IIS
the response back to the user in the form of HTML.

 Place the parts in ASP.NET Web Form
Server controls.
Server controls are Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) elements include
runat = server attribute. They provide automatic state management and server-side events and
respond to the user events by executing the event handler in the server.
HTML control.
These controls also respond to user events, but the event processing occurs on the client
Data Controls
data controls, you can connect to the database, the command and retrieve data from
The system components
System components provide access to system-level events that occur on the server.

 Describe briefly. NET Framework and its components.
. NET Framework provides a platform for developing Windows and Web software. ASP.NET is a part
to. NET Framework and access all features implemented in what was once available
only by the Windows API. . NET Framework in our application programs and
the operating system.
. The Net Framework has two main components:
. NET Framework: It provides common types such as data types and object types
that can be shared by all compatible language. Net.
The Common Language Runtime: It provides services such as type safety, security, code execution,
wire management, interoperability services.

  What is the Assembly? Explain its parts?
An assembly is a file. DLL or EXE. Containing MSIL code that is executed by the CLR.
An assembly contains the interface, and classes, may also have other means such as a bitmap, contain
etc. It carries version details used by the CLR running. Two sets
same name but different versions can run applications side-by-side dependent
use a specific version of the assembly of this release. An assembly is the unit on which authorizations
be granted. It can be private or global. A private assembly is used only by the application for
which it belongs, but the World Assembly can be used by any application in the system.
The four parts of an assembly are:
Manifesto of the Assembly - It contains the name, version, culture and information referred
Type metadata - Contains information on the types in the assembly.
Resources - such as BMP or JPG files or other files required by the application.

 7) Explain the advantages of ASP.NET.
Following are the advantages of ASP.NET.
Web application is compiled form on the server when processing speed is faster than
then interpreted scripts.
ASP.NET makes development to maintain with an event-driven server side simpler and easier
programming model.
Be part of. Framework, it has access to all functions. Net Framework.
The content and the program logic are separated which reduces the inconveniences of the program
ASP.NET allows easy implementation. There is no need to register the components as
configuration information is embedded.
To develop the logic program can choose a developer to write in more than 25 years of their code. Net
languages ​​including VB.Net, C #, etc. JScript.Net
Presentation of the state order helps to maintain between automatic order status
events publications.
ASP.NET provides built-in security with Windows authentication or other authentication
Integrated with ADO.NET.
The built-in caching.

  Define common type system.
. Net allows developers to write the program logic in at least 25 languages. Written in a classroom
language can be used for other languages. Net. These service. Net is possible through CTS
to ensure that the rules for the types of data that must follow any language. It provides types box
used by all. NET languages ​​and ensures. NET compatible language types.

  Define virtual directory.
This is the folder that contains the web applications. The album was released as a virtual directory
IIS may contain web applications.
- See more at:

09 10 02 05 08

Dot NET Interview Questions and Answers For freshers and experienced | Dot NET Important Questions pdf

Dot NET  Interview Questions and Answers For freshers and experienced  | Dot NET  Important Questions pdf  : This Section Covers Dot NET  Interview Questions and Answers For freshers and experienced . so this is useful candidates who are preparing dot net course for freshers and experienced . in this we gave asp dot net interview question and c # interview uestion so check below for more dot net question and answer . we cover basics of dot net , history of dot net, pros and cros of dot net

What is Dot net
  • .NET is a software development platform or technology 
  • It’s not a Language 
  • n it supports multiple languages 
  • nEg : C#,vb dot net

.NET History

July 2000, Microsoft announced a whole new software development framework for Windows called .NET in the Professional Developer Conference 

 languages  supporting .NET now?

When .NET was introduced it came with several languages. VB.NET, C#, COBOL and Perl, etc. The site DotNetLanguages.Net says 44 languages are supported

pros of dot net 

Easy to understand 
nCompatible with different programming languages like Visual Basic and C++ are complex languages that ease to projects transferring to different programming platform. 
nEasily integrate into multiple formats 
nEasy to install, access and use 
nExtensive security 
nReduce problems between different applications 
nVarious online applications and tools 
nUsability and flexibility

CONS Dot Net 

• Framework runs only on Windows, restricting vendor choice 
 Users of prior Microsoft tools and technology face a potentially steep learning curve 
nGetting older applications to run in new .Net environment may require effort

What tools can I use to develop applications. NET?

There are a number of tools, described here in ascending order of price:
· The Framework. NET is free and includes command-line compilers
C + +, C #, and VB.NET and various other services to help

· ASP.NET Web Matrix is ​​a free ASP.NET development environment from
Microsoft. And a graphical development environment, the download
comprises a single web server that can be used instead of IIS host to
ASP.NET applications. This opens up ASP.NET development for users
Windows XP Home Edition, which can not run IIS.

 What is the CTS, and how does it relate to the CLS?
CTS = Common Type System. This is the full range of types that the. NET
includes runtime. Not at all. NET languages ​​support all types of
CLS = Common Language Specification. This is a subset of the CTS which all
Languages. NET is to support. The idea is that any program that
uses CLS-compliant types can interoperate with any program. NET written in
any language. This interoperability is very fine - for example a VB.NET class
can inherit from a class C #.

  What is IL?
IL = Intermediate Language. Also known as MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate
Language) or CIL (Common Intermediate Language). All source code. NET
(In any language) is compiled to IL during development. The IL is then
converted into machine code at the location where the software is installed, or
(More commonly) at run time by a compiler Just-In-Time (JIT).
 What is C #?
C # is a new language designed by Microsoft to work with. NET
framework. In their "Introduction to C #" whitepaper, Microsoft describe C #
as follows:
"C # is a simple, modern, object-oriented and type-safe programming language derived from C and C + +. C # (pronounced "C sharp") is firmly planted in the C and C + + family tree of languages, and will immediately familiar to C and C + + programmers. C # aims to combine the high productivity of Visual Basic and the raw power of C + +. " Substitute 'Java' for 'C #' in the quote above, and you'll see that

1) Encapsulation: Hiding internal implementation object and allow access to the overall interface of the object.
2) Inheritance: The ability to reuse a class members and members of its base class functions.
3) Polymorphism: The ability of objects to be represented in multiple forms. This is possible with the substitution and overload.
4) Abstraction: Describe an object with its unique and relevant features according to specific needs.

Object-oriented concepts?
Class: The formal definition of an object. The class acts as the template from which an instance of an object is created at run time. The class defines the properties of the object and the methods used to control the behavior of the object.

Object: An object is an instance of a class.

Encapsulation: hides detailed internal specification of an object, and publishes its external interfaces. Thus, users of an object should not comply with these interfaces. Encapsulation, data and methods of an internal object can be changed without changing the way of how to use the object.

Inheritance: A class that derives from another class - known as the base class - inherits the methods and properties. This promotes reuse and maintainability.
4) if I want to override a method 1 of class A and class B, then how can u declared
public virtual void method1 () {} .. In class A. public override void method1 () {} â € | â € | â € | € â | .. In class B.

  About friend and protected friend
Friend / Internal: access throughout this particular meeting.
Protected Friend: access to this particular class and its child classes.

 About multiple inheritance and how a multi chives. Net?
Multiple inheritance: ex. Public void Employee: People, iEmployee. Means a class can be inherited by more than one interface or inherit from a class and
more than one of the interfaces.
Multi-level inheritance: ex. Public void one () {} public void Client: {person} public void employee: {customer}.
 ) What is the IsPostBack property?
Is publication is a property of the page to check the weather of the page is loaded first time or in response to client callback.

Abstraction: the description of objects by defining their unique and relevant characteristics (properties). So an object can have 100s of properties normally only goods of importance to the situation described. (For example, the life policy premiums are generally high, while the time of day policy was purchased is generally not value).

Polymorphism allows objects to be represented in multiple forms. Even though classes are derived or inherited from the same parent class, each derived class has its own behavior. (Overriding and hiding methods)

What is a process, Session and Cookie?
1) Process: Is there a common thread of the application.
2) Session: state used to maintain the state of the user in the application.
3) Cookie: used to store user identification data on the client computer.

How is Polymorphism supports. Net?
Polymorphism of support for objects to represent different forms ..

 What r the 2 types of support polymorphism. Net? 
Redefinition and overloading

  What is the difference between a private assembly and a shared assembly?
· Location and visibility: A private assembly is normally used by a a single application, and is stored in the application directory or a subdirectory. A shared assembly is normally stored in the global economy
Assembly cache, which is a repository of meetings held by the
. NET runtime. Shared assemblies are usually libraries of code that
will be useful for many applications, such as framework classes. NET.
· Versioning: The enforced constraints performance versions only
shared, not private assemblies assemblies.
3.4 How do assemblies find someone else?
By searching the directory paths. There are several factors that can affect
way (as the host application domain and the configuration files of the application), but
for private assemblies the search path is normally the application directory
and its subdirectories. For shared assemblies, the search path is normally
same as the private assembly path and the shared assembly cache.


09 10 02 05 08

Parameterized Constructor and class diagram with example program code

Parameterized Constructor:
 Here blog gives you info about Parameterized Constructor and class diagram and also we will give beautiful example program to understand Parameterized Constructor easily

what is Parameterized Constructor ? 
  • This constructor is used to pass the required values to the data fields of a class.
  • So that separate data can be stored for each object of the class is created.
  • A class can contain multiple Parameterized constructors but from one constructor to another constructor we should make the differentiate with the number of parameters.
  • That means if the first constructor is having one parameter than second constructor should have two parameters (or) three parameters and so on.
  • Example with Parameterized Constructor.
Class diagram:     
Int Empid
String Ename
String Eadderse
Int Age
Public Emplyee3(Int id,String s1,String s2,Int Age)
Public void DisplayEmpData()

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace CAConstructors
    class employee3
        int Empid, Eage;
        string Ename, Edesignation;

        public employee3(int id,string s1,string s2,int age)
            this.Empid = id;
            this.Ename = s1;
            this.Edesignation = s2;
            this.Eage = age;
        public void DisplayEmpdata()
            Console.WriteLine("Employee id is :-" + Empid);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Name is :-" + Ename);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Designation is :-" + Edesignation);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee age is :-" + Eage);

    class Pconstructor
        static void Main(string[] args)
            employee3 obj1 = new employee3(101,"srikanth","programer",26);
            employee3 obj2 = new employee3(102,"sai","TL",29);


A class can contain multiple parameterized constructor but from one constructor to another constructor we should differentiate with in the parameter.
  •  In the above example if we want to create an object to empoyee3 class like 
employee3 obj1=new employee3();

  • then it is not possible and raises compilation error.And like employee3 does not contain a constructor that takes zero arguments.
  • To overcome this we should write a constructor in the class with number of arguments like below
public emloyee3()
           this.Empid = 102;
            this.Ename = "sai";
            this.Edesignation = "TL";
            this.Eage = 26;

It is also not possible to create an object like below

employee3 obj2=new employee3(104,"sri");

  • This will rise a compilation error like:-employee3 does not contain a constructor that takes 2 arguments.
  • To overcome this we should write a constructor with two arguments like
public empoyee3(int id,string s1)
After writing these two constructors in the class,the class will be like

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace CAConstructors
    class employee3
        int Empid, Eage;
        string Ename, EAddress;
        public employee3()
            this.Empid = 110;
            this.Ename = "sri";
            this.EAddress = "Hyderabad";
            this.Eage = 26;

        public employee3(int id,string s1)
            this.Empid = id;
            this.Ename = s1;

        public employee3(int id,string s1,string s2,int age)
            this.Empid = id;
            this.Ename = s1;
            this.EAddress = s2;
            this.Eage = age;
        public void DisplayEmpdata()
            Console.WriteLine("Employee id is :-" + Empid);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Name is :-" + Ename);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Address is :-" + EAddress);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee age is :-" + Eage);

    class Pconstructor
        static void Main(string[] args)
            employee3 obj1 = new employee3();
            employee3 obj2 = new employee3(102,"sai");
            employee3 obj3 = new employee3(103, "srikanth","Hyderabad",28);


  • From this we can say that a class can contain any number of constructors.
  • A constructor can be overloaded.

09 10 02 05 08

Copy Constructor in and class diagram with example program code

Copy Constructor in and class diagram with example program code : Here blog gives you info about Copy Constructor in and class diagram and also we will give beatiful example program to understand Copy Constructor easyly

Copy Constructor in :-

  • Copy Constructor is used to copy the data of existing object in to newly created object
  • Example to Copy Constructor.

Class Diagram:-
Int Empid
String Ename
String Eadderse
Int Eage
Public employee4()
Public employee4(Employee4 obj1)
Public  void DisplayEmpData()

Copy Constructor in  with example program :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace CAConstructors
    class employee4

        int Empid, Eage;
        string Ename, EAddress;

        public employee4()
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Employee Details:-");
        public employee4(employee4 obj1)
        public void DisplayEmpData()
            Console.WriteLine("Employee id is :-" + Empid);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Name is :-" + Ename);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee Address is :-" + EAddress);
            Console.WriteLine("Employee age is :-" + Eage);
    class CopyConstructor
          static void Main(string[] args)
              employee4 obj1=new employee4();
              employee4 obj2=new employee4(obj1);

  • Without using copy constructor we can also the data of existing objects in to newly created object  by writing a statement like

Empoyee4 obj2=obj1;

  • when we use this statement by default all data fields data of obj1 will be copied into obj2.
  • But if we want to restrict copying of some data fields data it is not possible for this purpose copy constrictor is suitable.
  • Realtime:-
Copy Constructor is used in real time in following switchvations:-

  • If an object contains data which is stored by getting from database (or) from some remote place over the network for newly created object if we want the same data it is preferable to use copy constructor instead of using getting the data from data base (or) remote place over the network.

09 10 02 05 08

Constructors in C# dot net and types of Constructors with examples programs

Constructors in C# dot net and types of Constructors with examples programs :-

Constructors in C# dot net : 

  1. A constructor is a member of class.
  2. A constructor is a special type of a function.
  3. It will invoke automatically when an object is created.
  4. In general we can write any type of code in constructor and their is no rule to write only particular type of code.
  5. With in constructor we will write initialization code.
  6. constructor will not return any value due to that reason which will not have return value.
  7. A constructor name should be always same as the class name.
  8. In general constructor is used to keep something ready for the object when an object to the class is created.
Syntax to define a constructor:

<Access modifier> <Class name()>
Initialization Code
types of Constructors in C# dot net

program to work with User Defined Default Constructor

09 10 02 05 08

Types of constructor C# dot net ,instance constructors ,Non instance constructors

Types of constructor C# dot net ,instance constructors ,Non instance constructors

Types of constructor:

a)instance constructors

     1)Default constructor:-

  • User defined default constructor
  • System defined default constructor

    2)Parameterized constructor
    3)Copy constructor
    4)Private constructor

b )Non instance constructors

    1)Static constructor

User defined default constructor:-

  1. This constructor is created by the programmer with in the class.
  2. This is the parameter less constructor.
  3. In general this constructor is used to initialize the required data into the data fields.
  4. A class can contain only one default constructor.
  5. A class can contain  only one default constructor.
  6. If class can contain more than one default constructor it raises a compilation error due to ambiguity.

System defined default constructor:

  1. When their is no constructor available with in the class run time will create its own constructor and will store the default values in to the data fields.
  2. This constructor created by the run time is known as system defined default constructor.
  3. When an object to the class is created first system will search for a constructor with in the class,if there is no constructor available with in the class system will crate its own constructor and will assign in to the Data Fields.

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